Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Invalid business description. | Ugyldig virksomhetsbeskrivelse. | Details | |
Invalid business description. Ugyldig virksomhetsbeskrivelse.
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The business description for a given store. | Virksomhetsbeskrivelsen for en gitt butikk. | Details | |
The business description for a given store. Virksomhetsbeskrivelsen for en gitt butikk.
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If true, empty terms will not be returned. | Hvis sant, returneres ikke tomme termer. | Details | |
If true, empty terms will not be returned. Hvis sant, returneres ikke tomme termer.
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Sort by term property. | Sorter etter term-egenskap. | Details | |
Sort ascending or descending. | Sortere stigende eller synkende. | Details | |
Sort ascending or descending. Sortere stigende eller synkende.
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Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit if left blank. | Maksimalt antall produkter som skal returneres i resultatsett. Ingen grense hvis tomt. | Details | |
Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Defaults to no limit if left blank. Maksimalt antall produkter som skal returneres i resultatsett. Ingen grense hvis tomt.
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Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. | Omfanget forespørselen er gjort for bestemmer mulige felt i responsen. | Details | |
Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Omfanget forespørselen er gjort for bestemmer mulige felt i responsen.
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Method not implemented | Metoden ikke implementert | Details | |
Nonce is invalid. | Nonce er ugyldig. | Details | |
Missing the Nonce header. This endpoint requires a valid nonce. | Mangler Nonce-overskriften. Dette endepunktet krever en gyldig nonce. | Details | |
Missing the Nonce header. This endpoint requires a valid nonce. Mangler Nonce-overskriften. Dette endepunktet krever en gyldig nonce.
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Missing the WooCommerce %s package | Mangler WooCommerce %s pakke | Details | |
Missing the WooCommerce %s package Mangler WooCommerce %s pakke
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The %1$s plugin has been deactivated as the latest improvements are now included with the %2$s plugin. | %1$s-utvidelsen er deaktivert ettersom de siste forbedringene nå er inkludert i %2$s-utvidelsen. | Details | |
The %1$s plugin has been deactivated as the latest improvements are now included with the %2$s plugin. %1$s-utvidelsen er deaktivert ettersom de siste forbedringene nå er inkludert i %2$s-utvidelsen.
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After that they can be reassigned to the logged-in user by going to the <a href="%1$s">WooCommerce webhooks settings page</a> and re-saving them. | Deretter kan de tilordnes på nytt til den innloggede brukeren ved å gå til <a href="%1$s">innstillingssiden for WooCommerce webhooks</a> og lagre dem på nytt. | Details | |
After that they can be reassigned to the logged-in user by going to the <a href="%1$s">WooCommerce webhooks settings page</a> and re-saving them. Deretter kan de tilordnes på nytt til den innloggede brukeren ved å gå til <a href="%1$s">innstillingssiden for WooCommerce webhooks</a> og lagre dem på nytt.
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The affected WooCommerce webhooks will <b>not</b> be deleted and will be attributed to user id 0.<br/> | De berørte WooCommerce-webhooksene vil <b>ikke</b> bli slettet og vil tilskrives bruker-ID 0.<br/> | Details | |
The affected WooCommerce webhooks will <b>not</b> be deleted and will be attributed to user id 0.<br/> De berørte WooCommerce-webhooksene vil <b>ikke</b> bli slettet og vil tilskrives bruker-ID 0.<br/>
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If the "Delete all content" option is selected, the affected WooCommerce webhooks will <b>not</b> be deleted and will be attributed to user id 0.<br/> | Hvis alternativet "Slett alt innhold" er valgt, vil de berørte WooCommerce-nettkrokene <b>ikke</b> slettes og tilskrives bruker-ID 0.<br/> | Details | |
If the "Delete all content" option is selected, the affected WooCommerce webhooks will <b>not</b> be deleted and will be attributed to user id 0.<br/> Hvis alternativet "Slett alt innhold" er valgt, vil de berørte WooCommerce-nettkrokene <b>ikke</b> slettes og tilskrives bruker-ID 0.<br/>
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